









  • HHKB Pro 2

    I love the stylish look, typing feel/sound, size, and everything else about this keyboard. it motivates me and contributes to my high performance.
    ※ I have two of these, one in my office and one at home or on the go.

  • Apple Magic Trackpad

    I really like the ease of use of the MacBook trackpad. Cuz it's like all the gestures makes me feel like special powers. And I believe the Apple Magic Trackpad is a further extension of that.
    ※ I have two of these, one in my office and one at home or on the go.

  • WH-1000XM4

    The noise canceling of this headphone is very nice and makes my concentration even deeper. Also, the sound is very high quality.



Development Tools

  • VSCode

    I like the extensibility and many extensions are provided by the community.

  • Insomnia

    I like that it supports multiple protocols and provides the concept of workspaces and directories. I feel these features allow me to efficiently test and debug APIs. Also, the workspace and directory concepts help me organize and manage my APIs.

  • OrbStack

    I like about OrbStack is fast, light and easy to run docker containers and Linux.

  • WezTerm

    The reason I use it is that it is highly customizable. I am a bit picky, so this is very important to me. It is also GPU-accelerated, which allows for fast rendering.
    This is my WezTerm config.

  • Obsidian

    What I like about Obsidian is that it supports markdown and is customizable and extensible. I use it for daily notes.




  • Raycast

    Raycast has supported all of my initial moves. It has become like a part of my body that I unconsciously call Raycast. I love how intuitive it is and how extensible it is, including the ability to add my own extensions.
    This is extension for control yabai.

  • yabai

    yabai is a tiling window manager for macOS based on binary space partitioning. I like to work in the same environment with the same windows and spaces in any location, and yabai helps me do that.
    I use yabaictl, This creates "static" workspace with label.
    This is my yabai config and shell for update.

  • skhd

    skhd is a simple hotkey daemon for macOS. I use it with yabai.
    This is my skhd config.




  • Arc

    I love the concept and ease of use of this browser.

  • Catppuccin

    I really love this color schema, and use on this site. I set this color in all my applications as much as possible.

  • Monolisa

    I love this font, I use it in Editor, Terminal, and on this site.

